Well signing-off from season 2 at least!
There’s a good few people out there who seen the series we’ve been running on LinkedIn for the past year, Questions, Wings & Things. We've been busy filming series (1&2) for the past year, and enjoyed every-single-minute of it - I can’t say my darling wife or children share the same enjoyment when they’ve experienced/witnessed in horror what I’d define as a “distinct aftermath” of the previous morning’s activities. Let’s say I give our dog, Yoda, a solid(ish) run for his flatulence-money!
Whilst every episode holds fond memories for me, one that’s had me chuckling to this very day were the chaps from Claxon – I distinctly recall both Brett and Damian attempting to recite their businesses’ elevator pitch. It didn’t quite go as planned whilst they battled sweats and the face-numbing effect chilli sometimes has on lips and cheeks. Thankfully we were righted by the boys, and they even managed to conclude with agreeing (to disagree) who’d win an arm wrestling comp. We’d still like to know the answer fellas!
We’ve had mass hiccups, mind blanks, lip-slips and lots of chicken, dipped and drizzled in scoville’s galore. There’s another 2 seasons planned and who knows what beyond this…
The conclusion, or more so common theme I’ve noted from the plethora of individuals who’ve been on the series – These people work hard, like seriously bloody hard - and believe in what they do, warts and all. There’s also a thirst in their relentless pursuit for knowledge. Ask Martyn McKean from the powerhouse that is Arkose labs. There doesn’t seem to be a book of learnings around that he couldn’t point you in the direction of; it’s mind-boggling!
Whilst I’m taking a break away from my Tuesday delights for a season, James Farrey from JDP/VIC is taking the reins for season 3. I’m looking forward to seeing who he has lined-up to share valuable insights across tech, business, leadership and miscellaneous learnings from what life may throw at us.
I will soon be collating a list of people who I’d like to speak with in season 4. I’ll take nominations and DM’s from whoever’s out there who wants to share a story or two about what makes (you) tick. We all learn from each other and the aim is to knowledge-share. If this is just one of mine and JDP’s way of further adding to this footprint, then I’m at one with this decision.
May the 4th (season) be with us QLD…